Idea Elan

Workflow Automation

Infinity X Workflow Automation

We understand that each core has specific requirements and unique workflows and so we have created a workflow management system for creating custom workflows for your specific core.

We also have custom workflows for Invoicing process with which you can create custom approval process based on customers types such as cancer center members, external users, commercial users, internal users, and more.

Infinity X Workflow Automation

Infinity X provides unique ways to configure workflows for each and core facility and lab. These workflows can be created in a few clicks based on the service request and type of core facility. Workflows provide unique forms with over hundreds of predefined templates for each type of core facility. Moreover, ad hoc forms and workflows can be created from scratch within a few clicks that interface with all the stakeholders for operational efficiency.
We also have custom workflows for Invoicing processes with which you can create custom approval processes based on customer types such as cancer center members, external users, commercial users, internal users, and more.

Workflow Automation

Infinity X Workflow Automation

We understand that each core has specific requirements and unique workflows and so we have created a workflow management system for creating custom workflows for your specific core.

We also have custom workflows for Invoicing process with which you can create custom approval process based on customers types such as cancer center members, external users, commercial users, internal users, and more.

Infinity X Workflow Automation

Infinity X provides unique ways to configure workflows for each and core facility and lab. These workflows can be created in a few clicks based on the service request and type of core facility. Workflows provide unique forms with over hundreds of predefined templates for each type of core facility. Moreover, ad hoc forms and workflows can be created from scratch within a few clicks that interface with all the stakeholders for operational efficiency.
We also have custom workflows for Invoicing processes with which you can create custom approval processes based on customer types such as cancer center members, external users, commercial users, internal users, and more.